Roulette Winners Stories
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I can’t promise that reading any of this will make you a better roulette player but appreciate you taking time out to read a small selection of my favourite roulette moments. If you have your own special roulette story please email it to me with your permission to show it here.
You can imagine that after 30 years of professional roulette playing, with all those roulette numbers flying about, there were always going to be some very strange roulette moments!
I have had more than my share of amazing winning roulette nights over the years but most of my favourite moments come mainly from the situation at hand rather than just winning at roulette.
How to spoil their whole day in just one second
The idea of touring the casinos is an important part of the game for the pro roulette player. I used to go on roulette playing tours around the UK, Europe and sometimes further away. I would tour until I found something extra special when I would stay for an extended period of playing.
I was in one of these ‘special places’ a few years back and had been playing there for about 3 months, long enough to have an idea of who’s who & who does what….!
The casino had many Chinese players who, as we all know, have real determination and nerve when they play. It was one of these players who provided me with what must have been one of the most magical roulette moments that I can recall.
He was a quite a funny and yet unassuming little man who would nearly always play with £5 and £10 chips, probably walking in with about a £600 ban roll, with a maximum winning expectation of probably around £4000 on the best type of days.
One night he was merrily playing away and winning a reasonable amount, I was next to him at the wheel when he beckoned to the boss to come over to him. This wasn’t just the manager this was the owner himself, a charming man who was said to have liked a bit of a bet himself, though on the horses.
As nosy as I was, I still couldn’t hear what they were discussing but after about a minute or two the boss simply stepped back and told the dealer to continue but to raise the house limit for this spin only !
The wheel was pushed and the ball was thrown and in an instant our chirpy Chinese man reaches forwards and places a full stack of £100 chips on number 11 !!!
The boss immediately stands forwards and announces ‘casino raises the maximum and accepts the bet of £2000 on number 11.
I am, as you can imagine, completely startled at this, not only was this a one off bet but it was raising the normal casino maximum on a single number by 10 times !
By this time it’s perfectly clear what they had been discussing and all the focus was on the wheel, with management and players rushing in from all angles.
Bang……straight in number 11……... No one could believe it.
I have never seen the limit raised anywhere before and certainly not by ten times!! And how amazing that on this one rare occasion it actually happened and worked.
This was a £70,000 hit in 1 second and by the look on the faces of the Inspectors & Pit Bosses it was nothing less than a total horror. They were all looking towards the owner with anger in their faces and no doubt thinking that this one moment had just cost each of them about three months worth of profit bonuses.
The win itself was not the largest of all time by any means but relative to the amount the player usually bets and the size of the casino, it was a colossal hit.
It may be easy in hindsight to say that it was a bad decision but infact under any circumstances, win or lose, it was still a bad call because it completely defeated the purpose of his own table maximums, set for very important reasons. It would perhaps be more reasonable to accept such a raise if the bet was not a one off. The idea of a player making many bets of this size would be far more appealing to the casino.
This man is probably still looking over his shoulder and wondering - did it really happen?
Whilst travelling down through Europe I came across an interesting Casino offering a 50-50 mix of French Roulette and American Roulette. Normally I find French Roulette a little bit slow and over involved but on this occasion the wheel was offering up a serious advantage and it would have been rude not to play it !
I noticed another player there who was winning a bit, though I hadn’t seen him play for long enough to know whether he was a professional roulette player or not.
Heat soon arrived in the form of the casino manager and the usual eyeballing took place. I noticed the manager pass an item to the croupier, something I had never seen before and to my astonishment when the next spin came along I noticed a completely different sound to the ball, it was all over the place and rattling like mad. Quite simply, they had discretely swapped the ball and more than that they had selected a cracked and broken ball.
I didn’t know whether the player was just being mildly lucky or if he was a professional but either way I still wanted to let him know that the ball he had been playing was now different.
I didn’t know where he was from but he was probably Spanish, a language I can hardly speak a word of.
I’m thinking that as long as he understands the words ball and new then he’s bound to understand overall~ so I stepped forward, gently tapped him on the shoulder and said in my pathetic mix of Spanish French and English. Excuse moi monsieur but la Balle es Nuevo.
He looks at me, a bit confused and then gets back to his betting, So thinking that I should finish what I had started, I again explained that ‘La Ball es Nuevo’.
Roulette Winners Stories Games
Still looking confused by what I am saying I decide to take a step backwards for fear that he may think I am some sort of weirdo as even I was being to feel a little bit stupid.
So life goes on, the ball and wheel are spun, the ball goes around and then drops into the number 9 pocket
At this moment my new Spanish ‘friend’ turns around, his face now ghost like white and speaks to me for the first time saying ‘Nuevo’ and again, ‘Nuevo’
In an instant I realized that I had earlier been telling him that ‘La balle is 9’ and not what I thought I was saying~ ‘the ball is new

Sorry to my Spanish speaking friends, for whom this story would have been lost in translation.
A significant error of my judgment
Many of us will have been lucky enough to experience the full impact of locating a biased roulette number or sector of biased roulette numbers.
These very special roulette wheels are not so easy to locate these days but for those of you who haven’t experienced the effect of roulette number bias and still looking, then I would say that there is still much hope. It is not my first choice of method, simply because it requires much data collection time and therefore I play a different method where the playing conditions are easier to find. However, I always keep an eye out for such wheels as I continue to play my visual roulette system. I do this on the basis that if I am ever on a wheel for long enough then a truly good number will show itself eventually as indeed it did on one or two occasions for me.
I should also first say that these days the most important factor in playing this type of bias roulette wheel is all about how to locate a bias number much quicker than the traditional ways of data collection. This information is available to customers of my advanced Visual Roulette System, although there is little connection between the two roulette systems.
So, I had been playing my normal visual roulette method for a couple of months at a place in the UK when I started to get the feeling that No. 27 and slightly less so, numbers 6 and 13 next door, seemed to be occurring just too often not to be biased. I mentioned it to my playing partner and he agreed that it might be the case. I went in the next day to watch it and after a few occurrences I telephoned my partner and told him that I thought it was up and happening for real. He was less sure and wanted to wait a little longer but didn’t mind If I had a dabble.
On the first day I won about £700 with no. 27 repeating on one occasion and coming up with a noticeable extra frequency. Now that I was actually playing it and focused completely on this method I was fast realising just how powerful this little number section was, in fact so powerful that my first thought was how could no one else know about this
We naturally agreed to be professional and avoid taking too much too soon, knowing that doing it this way we could make it last weeks or even months.
Full of enthusiasm and excitement, we entered the casino early the next afternoon and slowly edge our way to the wheel in question. We didn’t go in with much bankroll because we were not going to get carried away and we thought that if it was a real bias number then it will just take care of itself.
After an hour or so we had a real sense of things going according to plan and were steadily progressing profitably without any sense of heat or hassle. I remember thinking how this was simply the most perfect and comfortable form of roulette system playing there could be, albeit in such rare conditions.
We had a bit of a leap forwards with a 27 repeat taking us past our intended cashing in point, so we agreed that we should pack it up and cash in our chips within a few spins. The trouble started when 27 came up again a short while later. We won about another £700 in one spin, though the real problem hadn’t even kicked in yet but certainly did when it then repeated for a second time. And yes, you have guessed it, we got a treble 27 about five minutes after a double 27 by which time we had got well and truly carried away with raising our bets and suddenly we were thousands up !!
We cashed up and went straight to some bar in the middle of the afternoon, to celebrate a great roulette win, one of those very rare moments when I even chose to have a cigar !
The Problem came the next day when we immediately realised that the wheel had been dumped !!
We had of course blown it completely and for the sake of a few thousand we had in reality given away the chance to make a hundred thousand, had we just played it slowly as originally planned. This was an amazing experience but also a major error of judgment and one of the biggest pro- roulette lessons that I recall.
Later on, I suddenly remembered that there had been a man standing near this biased wheel when we were there playing the visual system and I remembered him saying “twenty seven and Six” in an excited sort of way, though not actually playing himself. At the time I remember thinking that he was probably just saying these numbers out loud in case they came up, but I also thought that they were fairly unusual favourite numbers. I shall always look back and wonder if this player also knew what was going on and before we did. In fact we probably wrecked his wheel for him ~ Oh,the mysteries of Roulette.
Roulette Winners Stories Ever
Treble twelve ~ twice in ten minutes!
But Why?
I was once playing on probably the best wheel I can remember and having already had a good session, on comes an inspector to spin the wheel. Now, I know inspectors often step in and do a dealing session but this guy was one that never normally did. So why, I wondered, was he dealing tonight.
This normally calm roulette inspector seemed extremely agitated and I soon realized that he was dealing roulette because he had just been heavily demoted to being a roulette dealer for an aggressive outbreak towards another member of staff. He was fine telling me about it and made it clear that he would soon be leaving.
As I began to play it soon occurred to me that not only was my own system working very well but there was also a very obvious dealer’s spin pattern going down in the background with ball seemingly going from one part of the wheel back to exactly the same place spin after spin.
Within a short period, things were getting so hot and not changing that It began to dawn on me that this repetitive spin was in fact being done deliberately and probably for the satisfaction of getting back at his bosses for his demotion.
About half way through the session he dealt two treble 12s within about 10 spins and I was on the lot of them. 3 numbers in a row may come up quite often and that’s because they can start with any number but when you are playing a chosen number which then comes three times in a row the true odds are 50,653 to 1 and so for this to happen twice within such a short space of time was truly amazing.
What is interesting here is how awesome the dealer’s signature can get given the right circumstances. It was at this point that I started to develop a roulette dealer’s signature system. Bear in mind that for additional accuracy my visual roulette system picks up the ball action later in the spin making it the another good option.
Copyright 2011 Jafco. All rights reserved.
Roulette Winners Stories
See more Information about the Jafco Roulette Systems |
Roulette Winners Stories Book

Keywords relating to this roulette article – True roulette stories - Amazing roulette moments- Long odds in roulette
Copyright 2011 Jafco. All rights reserved.